OREGON • 日本 (Japan)
Our mission is to embrace orthodoxy and reach toward all God’s truth to develop secure minds which risk sharing God’s message of salvation to the world.
“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”
Located in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, it remains one of the most unevangelized regions in North America. Cities like Portland serve as one of our nation’s “sanctuary cities” attracting diverse ethnic groups from around the globe. The beauty of the Oregon coast makes it an optimal tourist destination for domestic and international travelers. Oregon’s tech industry and universities offer additional appeal to international populations making it a hub for diaspora Japanese.
Japan is an unevangelized nation! Less than 1% of the population of approximately 120 million people claim to be Christians, making this one of the largest unreached people groups on the earth.
Statistics show that the Japanese are 30% more likely to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ while living outside of Japan. Therefore, evangelistic effort to diaspora Japanese is critical for reaching this nation.
We believe Japan has a great destiny. It is strategically located in the 10/40 missions’ window sovereignly positioned for God’s end-time harvest. We believe Japan can become a great missions’ sending nation; but first they must know Christ.
STAIRWAY DIVISION is inspired by Genesis 28; John 1; Matthew 10:32-39; and Luke 12:49-53.
We lead people to Jesus — the STAIRWAY connecting heaven with earth (Genesis 28 and John 1).
We are a DIVISION — one part of the greater whole of what God is doing on the earth.
We “divide” with the world over the identity of Jesus (Matthew 10:32-39; Luke 12:49-53); we do not divide with the Body of Christ.
View a list of trainings and classes here.